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We value the pursuit of perfection, knowing that in the effort we will catch excellence. We seek to be the best at what we do, both in our individual capacities and as an entire company. We relentlessly pursue improvement and refinement. We embrace change and understand it is a necessary part of growth.

Contractor’s Best Project Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Contractor’s Best Project Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Best Project for Power/Utility Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Best Project for Renovation/Restoration Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Best Project under $500K Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Best Project between $1M-5M Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Best Project for Government/DFCM Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Innovative & Sustainable Project Recognition Electrical Contractor Magazine Skyline Electric
Award of Merit Utah Safety Council Skyline Electric
Safety Excellence Diamond Award AGC of Utah Skyline Electric
Energy/Industrial Project of the Year AGC of Utah Skyline Electric
Best Project over $5M Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Excellent Safety Record Commendation AGC of America Skyline Electric
Outstanding Safety Award Utah Mining Association Skyline Electric
Outstanding Safety – Award of Merit Utah Safety Council Skyline Electric
Perfect Safety Record Award Utah Safety Council Skyline Electric
Safety Excellence Diamond Award AGC of Utah Skyline Electric
Outstanding Safety Award Utah Mining Association Skyline Electric
Outstand Safety – Award of Merit Utah Safety Council Skyline Electric
Safety Excellence Platinum Award AGC of Utah Skyline Electric
Most Outstanding Project Award UT Construction & Design Skyline Electric
Outstanding Safety Award AGC of Utah Skyline Electric
Outstanding Electrical Contractor Award Intermountain Electrical Association Skyline Electric
Wastewater Project Safety Recognition MWH Constructors Skyline Electric
Fifty Years of Building Industry Award National Electrical Contractors Award Skyline Electric