Central Weber Sewer Improvement District
Location: Ogden, UT
Contract Amount: $12.4 Million
Named as the "2019 Most Outstanding Water/Wastewater Project" by Utah Construction & Design. The project expanded the water reclamation facility to a capacity of 4MGD. Skyline Electric Company not only was key to constructing the expansion but also facilitating the transition from the old system to the new facilities -- which went off without a hitch.
The construction consists of an expansion of the Silver Creek Water Reclamation Facility to a capacity of 4MGD, including new facilities such as an electrical building, back-up generators, headworks, bioreactors, secondary clarifiers, UV disinfection equipment, solids building, operations' building, and a basement level RAS/WAS pumping station. Existing treatment facilities will remain operational during construction, followed by switchover to the new treatment train.