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When it comes to industrial electrical outlets and plugs, they are designed to be much more heavy-duty than what you would expect in a residential or commercial setting. So naturally, an electrical outlet burning out in this environment can be a crucial issue, and if it’s not dealt with immediately, you could risk causing electrical fires or damaging your equipment.

Electrical contractors in Utah need to follow strict NEC protocols when installing electrical outlets, especially for industrial settings. In spite of this, outlets still may stop functioning, and there are a number of different reasons for this.

So let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of dead outlets in an industrial setting and why electrical contractors should service or repair them.

Causes of Dead Outlets in Industrial Settings

Electrical outlets in industrial settings are built to withstand even the harshest electrical environments. But there are still plenty of reasons why they can be overloaded, and burn out.

Poorly Maintained Circuit Breakers

While residential circuit breakers can survive for long periods without being maintained, industrial circuit breakers need to constantly be inspected and maintained because of their extensive use and heavy load flow. Overloaded breakers trip, and if you or the floor manager has a habit of simply pushing it back up whenever it trips without diagnosing the issue, the breaker will deteriorate.

This will mean that it won’t be able to mitigate load flows as easily as it could in peak conditions. Either the breaker will permanently shut down, leading to dead outlets, or the excess load will burn out the outlet.

GFCI Outlet Malfunction

It is important that industrial outlets be Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter enabled outlets. Such outlets are designed to shut off in case of electrical current discharge/leakage. If you find that after pressing the “Test” or “Retest” button, it does not pop back out, it is important that you call someone regarding electrical service or repair.

Poor Wiring

Electrical wiring for industrial settings should be robust and able to withstand heavy loads. Even the slightest splits or loose wires may result in a loss of electrical current. This loss may end up heating up other wires, effectively damaging the rest of your wiring.

A telltale sign of bad wiring also includes constantly flickering or burning light bulbs – even if they are LED lights.

The best thing to do when you find that you have a burnt or dead electrical outlet is to call Skyline Electric, a certified industrial and large-scale electrical contractor. We are ready to help you find the solution you need for your electrical needs, be it for a large-scale residential, commercial, or industrial project in Utah!

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