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Commercial electrical projects can go wrong for several reasons, from budgetary issues and poor management to loss of labor, and tackling these issues can be extremely difficult. Electrical contractors who specialize in project rescue need to make sure they adopt an approach as unique as the project itself each time.

However, there is a general flow that electrical project rescues usually involve. Here is a 10-step process that project managers can adopt when rescuing your electrical infrastructure or other projects that are abandoned for various reasons.

How Electrical Contractors Can Rescue Electrical Projects

  1. Stopping the Work

The first thing to do is stop all electrical services and/or repair work currently being done. The goal is to stop spending more time and money on the flawed project plan.

  1. Communicating

Electrical contractors try to understand the scope of the project by looking at the requirements themselves first and then communicating with all the pertinent managers, stakeholders, and their representatives. In order to get a clearer picture of what went wrong, all individuals are promised anonymity.

  1. Setting New Boundaries

The ‘failure’ threshold for the project is redefined with the benefit of hindsight. This means redefining how much cost and time would be too much for the project, which in turn ultimately helps identify suppliers and the number of electricians to assign.

  1. Conducting Our Own Investigation

Electrical contractors want to try and understand what actually went wrong. So they’ll often set up an investigative team to look at all the “whys” of the failed project. The five “whys” technique can be very useful here, which involves asking “why?” questions at least 5 times, each time looking for a different answer.

Each level of ‘why’ helps electrical contractors get a better understanding of what went wrong and what needs to be done in order to successfully rescue the electrical project.

  1. Risk Assessment

This step involves considering whether performing the necessary electrical services is worth it for the client and contractors. Key risks that a project may face include:

  • Complexity
  • Technology limitations
  • Operational inefficiency
  • External risks
  • Organizational risks
  • Schedule risks
  • Financial viability
  1. Strategizing

Once all the issues and requirements are understood, a detailed strategy will be developed in which electrical contractors determine:

  • A tentative timeline
  • Who will provide feedback
  • How the work will be done
  • Materials and expected cost of project rescue
  1. Communication of Strategy With Stakeholders

The strategy is then shared with business owners and stakeholders for any questions, explaining the viability and new parameters of the project. The electrical contractor often presents this information alongside the client to clear up any confusion.

  1. Responsibilities Are Determined

Whether the project is ultimately being rescued or killed to save time and money, everyone needs to know their roles. Electrical contractors delegate authority and roles here to increase work speed and efficiency and eliminate any chance of further mismanagement.

  1. Beginning the Work

After such an extensive planning phase, implementation is often much more streamlined. Once the work begins, the project is quickly brought back to life. As the work is being carried out, this is a great opportunity, where possible, to try and incorporate any self-sufficiency and energy-conservation measures into electrical systems as a value-added service.

  1. Finalizing

As the electrical project rescue is about to come to an end, the service provider should shift some focus to feedback and comparing notes with the client. Original project expectations are compared with the solution that was carried out, including any value-added services.

Skyline Electric is a premier electrical contractor in Utah that has helped numerous clients complete (and improve upon) their otherwise abandoned electrical projects. With over 60 years of experience, we are always looking for new challenges and to help clients in any way we can.

Do you have a project that may require an expert electrical contractor’s touch? Get in contact with us today, and let us make the most out of your investment!

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